“What is April thinking about?” said no one, ever (though I’m sure many people have said “What was April thinking?” many times). This blog is here to answer the question no one was really asking.
This month, the words did not come. There is a lot going on, and writing would be a great way to process all this except, yeah, the words did not come.
Things I found interesting lately, what I’ve been up to, and whatever else comes to mind.
Things I found interesting lately, what I’ve been up to, and whatever else comes to mind
Things I found interesting lately, what I’ve been up to, and whatever else comes to mind
I’m jogging across the gravel parking lot, my car in sight, that final wave of relief so welcome I could cry. But I already did that today, twice, and I don’t feel like adding more tears to the cocktail of sweat, urine, and the contents of an energy gel that I am somehow plastered with.
Things I found interesting lately, what I’ve been up to, and whatever else comes to mind
To begin, some thoughts:
There is a problem when you become immersed in the ultra running world: you read about 50Ks, 50 milers, then 100K’s, 100 milers, and more. The 100 milers start to feel like the hallmark of an ultra. A true Ultra. Once, when I told someone I ran ultras, he just assumed 100-milers. Never mind that “ultra” is short for “ultramarathon” which, you know, means anything MORE EXTRA THAN A MARATHON so you’d think I’d feel like an ultra runner after three 50K’s and a 28 mile mountain adventure, but no. No, the brain fails to find place and identity.
Recently, in the span of 8 hours, I stumbled across 3 separate essays welcoming the demise of social media, which I was going to link to here, but then in my efforts to track them down, I came across even more.