Quagmires, aka Bighorn 52 Mile Race Recap

To begin, some thoughts:

There is a problem when you become immersed in the ultra running world: you read about 50Ks, 50 milers, then 100K’s, 100 milers, and more. The 100 milers start to feel like the hallmark of an ultra. A true Ultra. Once, when I told someone I ran ultras, he just assumed 100-milers. Never mind that “ultra” is short for “ultramarathon” which, you know, means anything MORE EXTRA THAN A MARATHON so you’d think I’d feel like an ultra runner after three 50K’s and a 28 mile mountain adventure, but no. No, the brain fails to find place and identity.

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“Here I Made This Thing”

I treasure the moments when I get a burst of happiness, a moment that makes me really feel alive. I don’t experience this as much as I’d like. When I do, it’s often a literal surge of endorphins during a challenging run, but sometimes I get it in other ways too: music; building honest connection with friends; petting a purring cat; listening to good comedy; and perhaps most importantly for this specific website, photography.

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