Old San Juan

In early February 2020, the girls and I took a vacation to Puerto Rico. I look back on it now with more sorrow than I would like, because it marked the end of an era. Now, as I regard an uncertain future amidst a changing world in the middle of a pandemic, I wonder when, if ever, we will be able to take another trip like this. And while I could do without another harrowing 4 am taxi ride, I will miss exploring little pockets of humanity.

I’m doing some shorter posts, because writing long, meandering descriptions of memories can be a bit…overwhelming. So, here are some photos from our two days at Old San Juan. This is a popular tourist quarter of San Juan, known for it’s Old World charm, narrow cobblestone streets, and vibrant nightlife. (However, our taxi driver let us in on the favorite local nightlife scene, at La Placita, which we took off to one evening. This led us to a tacky tiki bar and salsa dancing in the crowded streets - a scene that feels impossible to imagine right now.)


San Juan has some of the best cocktails and bars I’ve ever visited. The semi-famous La Factoria lived up to the hype, where we enjoyed nuanced, specialty cocktails late in the afternoon perched in a picturesque window. Jungle Bird was darker, tackier, and just what we needed before squeezing through crowds on the vibrant square. And while the empty, hidden rooftop bar of unknown name wasn’t serving anything fancy, it proved a comforting spot to watch the sunlight vanish over the city.

